Have you ever had someone in your life that consistently showed their faith in God and gave grace no matter what the circumstance? We all meet people like that here and there but having a long standing relationship with someone like that is a unique opportunity. A couple of weeks ago in this blog, I asked you to pray for Barb Moulton because she was battling cancer. Barb and her husband Ken are the kind of people I'm talking about. Never thinking of themselves and always thinking of others. Always praising what God is doing and giving Him the glory for what has been done. Always trusting Him for what was and is to come.
Robyn and I met Ken and Barb 27 years ago when I was selling furniture and appliances in Southern California. They became repeat customers of mine who had a particular way about showing interest and concern for me. They displayed a gentle and kind spirit and discussed their belief in God without apology. They were the genuine article... When the four of us got together an immediate kinship was developed and we became best friends. Over the years we raised our families together, lived together, moved together, and Ken and Barb became the examples by which we gauged our spiritual lives. We live far apart now, but no matter the distance between us, they have always been part of our family.
Yesterday, Barb lost her battle with cancer but won the war against death. She is with our Lord today and even though we have suffered a loss, heaven has gained a saint. We will all miss Barb and her genuine concern for others, but those of us who knew her should also reflect on what life would have been like without her in our lives. Please join us in praying for Ken and their daughter, Kendra, as they mourn the loss of their devoted wife and mother.
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