Sunday, November 2, 2008

Coming around the 6 month stretch…

Praises to our Heavenly Father!!! I remember the day so clearly, May 16th, 9:30am, sitting in the doctor’s office after receiving a call that morning to come to his office.  Russ and I looking at each other, holding hands and waiting for the doctor to enter the room with the MRI results.  The doctor enters the room. Russ and I look up and we knew……..nothing had to be said.  It  was not going to be good news. A very rare aggressive cancer. Prognosis not good, not good at all. The tears came, along with fear, panic and it just can’t be.

Why share all of the above with you again? To share with you God’s absolute goodness in all of this!!!! Never on the day of May 16th did I think I would be sitting here sharing with you that Russ is rounding the 6 month stretch since his diagnosis. God is ever so faithful! Ooooh these 6 months have been a roller coaster. My family knows I do not like to ride the roller coasters at the amusement parks. I am the one sitting on the park bench “people watching.” However, with that being said this current roller coaster ride has been one of God’s love, blessings and joys that overtake the low point you hit every now and then on the ride. (Stomach feeling like it is in your throat and you want to get off now.)

I could write a novel about all the love and blessings we have received. I will only share a few but God is to be praised for many:

Your prayers…oh my goodness….not a day…not a day goes by that I am told that you are praying for my dear sweet husband. God is hearing your prayers. Thank you!

The care and love you show is incredible through cards, food, books, phone calls, a romantic dinner, 2 nights at the beach. A laugh or a hug at just the right time.

God’s provision and timing is amazing. I must share how on several, yes several, occasions we would receive a bill and then within 24 hours God would provide the means. One time was within seconds. We opened the bill, “ugh forgot about this one coming due” and then the next envelope I opened included a check for exactly what we needed. I love God’s wonderful handiwork in everything.

Thank you Lord!

Russ is on the chemo journey right now. He has had 2 treatments and is doing extremely well. Very little side affects. After his first round of chemo his white blood count was rather low so the doctor is making adjustments to his treatment. Please pray that his count can stay in the “safe zone.” As you read in the last blog posting he went in for an MRI due to some back and abdomen pain he had been having prior to starting the chemo. Which I have to say I was thrilled for the MRI being done thinking now we will get an accurate update on all his organs.  Well the good news is his MRI came back clear but the MRI was solely focused on his spine, no organ updates. Not sure why the doctor did it that way. 

Ya know, Russ was helping me clean house yesterday morning.  I stopped what I was doing and just watched him with tears coming to my eyes.  It was wonderful to have that moment.  By the grace of God he is still here…even if he did miss a spot on the window.  He’s a keeper. J

Blessings to all of you. Thank you for continuing to ride the roller coaster with us.



Anonymous said...

It is so exciting to hear the encouragement in your words. You are special friends. Love ya

Anonymous said...

I am totally smiling because I can totally picture you saying, "He's a keeper!" Thanks so much for the update:) Love you guys!

Anonymous said...

It is so nice to hear from your heart. We Praise God with you as this is a wonderful milestone.
You know that you guys are in our prayers all the time.
Praise God for His faitfulness and showing His glory in this situation!

Anonymous said...

God is a God of Miracles! We praise Him for the miracle of Russ' life and for the miracle(s) that will continue to happen. God is BIGGER than cancer - Amen! I believe that friends. Love & prayers, Ruthann