Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Just a Quick Update

We wanted to let everyone know that services will be held at Cornerstone Christian Fellowship Church on Saturday April 11, at 10:00 a.m. The church is located at 1595 S. Alma School Rd. in Chandler on the corner of 202 East (South Loop) and Alma School Rd.


Cathleen Wall said...

Theresa Harvey Fiahlo just called to tell me about your great trial and persevering faith. I knew Rusty when he and my sons David and Jonathan played ball together at Hesperia Christian. My husband Sherman, pastor of that church for 38 years, just died in December after a long battle w/Alzheimer's disease. He used to often say that we can, here on earth, only see the back side of the tapestry that God is weaving in and through our lives. When we are w/ Him we will see the wonderful picture that will bring all the glory to Him that He deserves. I praise God for your faithfulness as a family. Satan doesn't mind us knowing that God is powerful but he absolutely hates it when we affirm that He is GOOD even in our pain and distress. I will be praying for you. Love in Christ Cathleen Wall

Lori G. said...

To all the readers and supporters:

I am often asked what Robyn needs and so I will be bold today and remind you all that the Compass Bank on Elliot and Val Vista in Gilbert still has a benevolence fund set up under Russ & Robyn Bishop. You can even use the drive through and make a deposit to their account. With lots of medical bills, I am certain that will be a helpful gift to the Bishop family.

In Christ,
Lori Greene

Note to Robyn - this is one of those "make a decision and then ask for forgiveness later" moments that you love me for!

Anonymous said...

Lord we love You. I am so blessed at reading the comments of others and the love that Your children have for the Bishop family. I pray that all their medical bills will be paid in full and that You will take away any financial worries that is laden on Robyn's heart. Grant her favor in the eyes of all bill collectors and financial institutions that they know and understand the blessings that You offer for those who show mercy. Please Father continue to carry this amazing family through the week and beyond as their new journey begins.
In Jesus' Name. Amen

Anonymous said...

Let the memorial service on Saturday be a time of praising God, remembering Russ, and loving the Bishop's.

A memorial service for one of God's good and faithful servants is something that can be celebrated. With the sadness that comes with losing a loved one, comes the amazing joy of knowing that today, he walks the streets of gold with Jesus. As the song states, “I can only imagine!”

This is what we live our earthly lives for. This is what we pray for, why we have hope, why we smile, while we give, why we love, why we share, why we evangelize, why we go through this day by day life: To be with Jesus in Heaven. We have that hope and that truth to get us through our days.

While I only met Russ once, I need you to know that his example, his voyage over the past year or so, and his passing, have altered my heart, changed my outlook, and focused me more on the Lord than I could have ever imagined.

God does his wondrous work in ways that we cannot always understand. Just know that he used Russ in a way that has affected me and will change my course in the life I live. For that I am thankful and for that I praise our amazing God.

God bless you all and remember, Matthew 5:4 Blessed are those who mourn, for they will be comforted.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Hello to all of the Bishops friends and family!

To echo Lori G.'s sentiments, please use the benevolence fund at Compass Bank. It would be such a blessing for Robyn to know there is help in this area. And what a special way to honor Russ and help take care of his beloved Bride.

Thank you

Anonymous said...

Being so far away I find it difficult to know what to say. I want to be a comfort to you Robyn and the rest of the family but so much of what I want to say seems so cliche'; so insufficient. We have been and will continue to pray for you. May God carry and sustain you as you walk this difficult road. With tears and affection --Jeff & Cookie

sherry rosner said...

Robin -

Bernie and I were at the service yesterday for Russ. It was absolutely beautiful. The turnout was amazing as Russ has touched so many people in his life.

We just wanted to express our heartfelt condolences. We did not stay for the receiving line but did want to let you know you are in our thoughts and prayers. My mom died a few years ago the same way Russ did. I was with her til the very end. You have a wonderful family and great friends like Bruce and Lori who will help get you through this terrible time.

Sherry and Bernie Rosner
(I worked with Russ and Bruce at Alden Custom Homes )