Wednesday, July 2, 2008

Good morning to you all!  I haven't written in a few days so I thought I'd give you a quick update on our lives.  Things have been getting busier around here the last few days but not back to normal yet. I'm healing up very well and feeling really good physically. I've been to the Oncologists this week and had a couple of more tests done and they've set my radiation treatments to start on July 16th. I've been told not to expect much discomfort but a little loss in my energy level. I'll believe it when I feel it... Mentally, I think I'm still reeling from the loss of my job and trying to figure out what's next. Fortunately, I have the best support system ever in the form of family and friends.  Most importantly, my wife of 27 wonderful years, Robyn.  If not for Robyn being by my side over the last two months I think I would have simply gone off the deep end and never came back.  She's my encourager and my strength when I think I can't go another minute.  I thank God everyday for allowing me to be a part of her life and a part of such a wonderful family.

On another note, we'd like to thank those of you who made the generous offers we received over the past few days for the retreat getaways to various cottages and cabins. Apparently, the word got out that we had a desire to get away for a couple of days before I start my treatments. We received several offers and we appreciate everyone of you who called. We were able to accept an offer of two nights in San Diego that worked the best for my treatment schedule and doctor appointments.  
Finally, we'd like to share a couple of our prayer requests with you:
First, please praise God for continuing to provide for our daily needs. 
Next, will you join me in praying for Robyn as she has so humbly and joyfully taken on so much over the past two months.  In addition to my health issues and taking care of our family she is also working diligently at keeping up with her responsibilities at Surrey Garden.  My prayer is that God will continue to bless her with her great attitude and joyful spirit even through the difficult times.  
Finally, pray that I will hear God's prompting as I begin the search for new employment. 

We count it an honor for you to join us in praising and honoring God for all that He is and the grace He so freely gives everyday.  Thank you, Russ and Robyn.


Pastor Phil said...

I was amazed as I read your comments today, amazed at the connection between them and the five significant and practical ways we can sympathize and empathize with others. I just read these thoughts this morning in The Power of Integrity, by MacArthur. They are, in summary form:

1 Be available when others need us
2 Give direct help to them
3 Pray for them
4 Rejoice with those who rejoice
5 Weep with those who weep

We, the Bishop support group (a/k/a the Church, body of Christ) have been doing these things. Paul reminds us in Col 3:12, "As those who have been chosen of God, holy and beloved, put on a heart of compassion, kindness, humility, gentleness and patience."

We are all blessed to be in your circle of friends.

Anonymous said...

I'll be praying for your job situation Russ. Wish I could be there to help out in some practical way.


Anonymous said...

you and Robin are in my thoughts and prayers.
