Not 5 minutes have gone by since I posted the last message and I've already received a phone call reminding me that I didn't include anything about my health. I guess I should use this blog more for updating you on my health rather than a soap box for saying what's on my mind... But if you want to know what's on my mind please continue to read the next posting after you read this quick health update.
As for my health and treatments, I'm feeling strong and trying to stay active. I started my radiation therapy yesterday and had my second treatment this morning. I don't feel any different yet but expect to have less energy in about a week. The chemotherapy treatments that were supposed to accompany the radiation didn't happen yesterday because the nurses couldn't find a vein to start an IV on me. So, I'll go in to an outpatient surgery next week to have a "port-a-cath" installed in my clavicle area so they have easy access to a vein. As for my job search, there's really nothing new there either. I've had several suggestions and made a few contacts but no job offers yet. We thank you all for your continued prayers, encouragement and support.
did i say LOVE YOU today??? :)
praying.. as always .. for my sweet friends...
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