Tuesday, June 17, 2008

June 17th Update

Good Afternoon,

Praise God!!!! The fever is no more, the infection is not serious and can be controlled by antibiotics and the pain is being managed. Russ is feeling better, however, he is very sore around the right lower area of his lung, so please pray for that pain to go away.

The doctor feels he will probably be able to return home Wednesday morning.

Thank you for your continued love and prayers.

In the palm of His mighty hands,


Anonymous said...

Praise God!!! I have prayed every day for healing for Russ and for you, Robyn that God will be with you and keep you close to His heart. I am so sorry I haven't been able to be present physically to encourage you. But I have been one of your prayer warriors since this whole "bend in your road" began. I will continue to be praying for you guys, so if there is anything more specific that is laying heavy on your hearts that I can add to what I am talking to Abba Father about, let me know.
Love, Pam

Anonymous said...

Glad to know that the folks at Good Sam have been able to treat the infection. Lifting you guys up!
