Friday, March 6, 2009

The coaster continues...

          The roller coaster has been used over and over again to describe the ups and downs of life. I think its because of the exhilaration and excitement you feel when you rise to a peak and the enormous pressure you feel on your body when you sink to the bottom of the valleys. Nothing can describe the lives of cancer patients and their families better. We all have those moments of great hope when we're told "your cancer has gone into remission" or "the scan is clear" or "you have completed your treatment". Robyn and I were told two of those three last week by my oncologist. My CT scan was clear so he took me off of the chemo treatments one month early. Those were the words we were waiting to hear and once we heard them we felt as though we were on the upswing of our personal roller coaster, hoping the ride would soon be over. 

          As cancer patients we've also felt the pressure as we head toward the lowest of the valleys when we're told "you have cancer" or "there's nothing more we can do". We certainly didn't expect to find ourselves heading toward one of those valleys this week...
          During the past several weeks I've been feeling some pain in my abdomen and the lower right side of my back. When we saw the oncologist on Tuesday and heard the good news about the CT scan the doctor said that since the scan came back clear the pain was probably being caused by something else. He asked me to go back to the surgeon to get his opinion and to see if there was any post surgical complications going on. We made the appointment for later this month but two days after the oncologist appointment my pain worsened. Yesterday morning I was sent to the ER for more tests including another CT scan. This time the blood tests and scan both showed indications that the cancer has come back. My oncologist and surgeon both read the results and they concur that there seems to be some swelling in several areas of my abdomen and my blood test results were concerning to them as well. I left the ER yesterday evening with some pain medication and got a fair amount of sleep over night. However the pain continues and seems to be worsening.
          The next step is to go in on Tuesday morning next week to have a PET scan done which should show cancer cells or nothing at all. We're praying for the latter... The most difficult part of our discussion with the oncologist about this was that he, once again, reminded me of how nasty my cancer is and how it can come back quickly and aggressively. When it does, there usually isn't anything that can be done to combat it. No surgeries, no more radiation, and chemo may slow it but won't stop it. 
          So, as you can see, we are still on that roller coaster and we're heading for another valley. But, here's the really good news. No matter what the outcome of this story, the God of compassion, the God of comfort, the God who surpasses all understanding and who has the most perfect plan ever, is riding the roller coaster with us and will be first in line to hold us and comfort us when we get off.
          Will you all join us in prayer this weekend and into next week? It is difficult to wait for the test and then wait again for the results so, we'll need plenty of patience over the next few days. We would also like you to pray for God's will to be done in our situation. Obviously, we would love to find another cause of the pain and to be able treat it. But, if it's cancer, our prayer will be that He be glorified through our response to the news and through our lives as we continue to battle on. 

God is good, all the time!
Russ and Robyn


Anonymous said...

Russ & Robyn
We stand with you during this time of waiting and praying. We are also waiting and praying for our grandson Micah. My daughter Chrystal and her husband are almost 5 months pregnant with there 4th baby. The last 3 have died. miscarrage, stillborn and an hour and 1/2 of life for there last child Hope. We will know on March 23 if this baby is healthy and will live. We believe that God is good all the time just like you do and that he is teaching us many things through the valley of the shadow of death! You are loved and prayed for by your friends and family. Thanks for keeping us updated!
Robin & Keith Johnson

Anonymous said...

Russ & Robyn -
You are in our thoughts and prayers. How did the CT scan go today? May you continue to feel God's amazing love and peace with you today and always.
Blessings, Ruthann & Henry

Mary Jane said...

Russ and Robyn, We have had you in prayer all weekend, so many people battling cancer right now. Hope your CT scan went well. Thank God our God is bigger than Cancer. Love you guys, Mary Jane

Anonymous said...

Someone said, WHILE DEEP SADNESS CANNOT BE RUSHED OR AVOIDED, IT CAN BE SHARED. Those of us who are "fixers" feel so helpless. We wish we could take away your suffering, but all we can do is share it. Maybe that's God's way of not giving His children more than they can handle; He allows us each to carry a small part of the pain.

Russ, Robyn, Ashley and Cody, as I read each of your entries on the blog, I recognized a miracle . . . not the miracle we prayed for, but a miracle that only God could perform. Your humble surrender to this journey of cancer is not of human strength. I could see II Corinthians 4:7-11 in each of your writings:


Your attitude in your suffering is bringing great glory to God and encouraging all of us who would like to be encouraging you. I feel honored to be your friend.

Love, Shari Jay

Sonia said...

Dear Bishop Family:

You are in our thoughts and prayers every day.
God is with you to give you all the strenght needed in this difficult time. Faith move mountains.

Jose,Sonia and Stephania