Friday, August 1, 2008

Losses and Gain

I was just driving home from my radiation treatment and I began to wonder how many cells I've lost through these treatments. That led me to think about the losses that I've suffered over the past 78 days, since my cancer diagnosis. I began to list them in my head...

  • I've lost half of my liver.
  • I've lost about 35 pounds, (I'm not sure if I can count that since I didn't need them any way...)
  • I've lost my strength and stamina.
  • I've lost my job.
  • Along with the job, I lost the ability to support my family.
  • I've lost thousands of tears.
  • I've lost the ability to sleep soundly.
If I spend much time on this at all I think I would be able to list a hundred things that I've lost, or our family has lost, to the evil of cancer. But, fortunately, I began to thank God for these losses and realized that I count them all gains for Him. He is the reason I'm still here and it is the hope that I find in Him that keeps me going and fighting.
If you are going through a difficult time in your life, whether it is cancer or the loss of a job, or the loss of someone close to you, hang your hopes on what God has to offer to you. He is there waiting to hear from you and to share His love with you so that you can carry on through your personal tragedy.

"What is more, I consider everything a loss compared to the surpassing greatness of knowing Christ Jesus my Lord, for whose sake I have lost all things. I consider them rubbish, that I may gain Christ and be found in Him, not a righteousness of my own..." Phillipians 3:8-9.


Jodi Dennis said...

Russ, It was nice meeting you last night and talking with you. Again I will tell you, if you have any questions, please ask me.

Anonymous said...

I think that was my favorite posting. That was an encouragment to me. Such a wonderful verse to quote! Blessings, Lori G.

Anonymous said...

Thank you so much for sharing this. You are such a source of encouragement to me! I think of my Mom dealing with cancer again. And my Dad facing another difficult road ahead.. I hope and pray they read this listen....(hi mom and dad!)